I’m Jude Mire. This is my blog. And, well, something else as well.

Secrets lurk under the mossy forests of Nova Scotia. Echoes ripple beneath the waves. I hear them sometimes, with the clattering tide stones. The trees catch messages from the wind.

A mystery to unravel. Murder with no bodies. Wounds from the past. Something I hope to reveal. Bit by bit.

Follow along. See the fragments for yourself. I’ll share what I discover or, perhaps, have revealed.

The picture should become clear to us, eventually.

The blog is here to tell you about myself, my business as a writer at the edge of a cold sea. It will do so. I’ll keep you informed of my comings and goings, what daydreams I hammer into pages and books.

And, well, something else as well.

I’m not sure what it is yet, but I know it’s out there.

I feel it watching.

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I’m Jude Mire, an author from Nova Scotia! I write horror, sci-fi, fantasy, and weird fiction.